For Installers
Atmo, our smart controller can help you improve your heat pump efficiency and customer service
Prices start from just £120!
Atmo was designed with you in mind! We offer a fully managed, end-to-end solution that easily allows you to track, maintain, monitor and even control your customer’s heat pump installations, easily and seamlessly within our Sphere dashboard.
Empower your business and provide a better service to your customers with the support from us. Enquire today and become an approved installer with Planet Devices.
Why Choose Us?
An Installer's Dashboard
View of all your customers heat pumps in one place. Sphere allows you to view heat pump faults in real time, receiving notifications as they occur. Control the heat pump remotely, and maintain service-level agreements.
A Real-time Performance View
Observe heat pump settings and parameters, real-time energy consumption and production values, in addition to Coefficient of Performance.
Historic Data Storage
Planet Devices can store years of data for each Atmo device. Providing hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly averages. Use historical data for predictive maintenance, and energy optimisation.
Dashboard Theming and Branding
Presenting yourself as an independent installer is important to your success. Let us do all the hard work for you with bespoke dashboard customisation. We offer a custom branding service that allows the installer to have their own logo laser engraved into the top of the device enclosure.

Choose Atmo to Maximise your Business Potential
Your bespoke access includes:

Generate Repeat Business
When a heat pump needs an annual service, or the CoP has decreased dramatically, you get notified. Send an engineer out, or remotely handle the request and get paid – all thanks to our Sphere dashboard.

Manage Leads
Keep track of your customers. See the duration of their installation, the last time you serviced their heat pump, and more.

Discounted Hardware
Get Atmo devices at a special rate. You choose how much to charge your customers.

Earn Referral Rewards on Subscriptions
Once you have a Atmo heat pump device we provide a subscription model for your ongoing usage of our Sphere dashboard.
Check Out Our Dashboard For Yourself!
Watch our video to see how the Sphere dashboard works to help you get a feel for what our device can provide to you.
Speak to our team today to find out more.
Its lovely to be able to control everything with one simple app, from one device. These devices also offer some nifty features too. I love these things, my heat pump has one installed at home.
Graham Hendra
ABC Heat PumpsPlanet Devices is not only cheaper kit, it is easy to install as it's a dry installation - it's not necessary to cut into pipework to install probes and meters. This saves the engineer time and the homeowner money. It also gives access to the ability to remotely alter some of the settings which the two alternatives that spring to mind don't. And lastly I like working with a local company (Planet Devices are based in Plymouth, we're near Exeter) that are going places.
Sune Nightingale
Firepower HeatingI want to do some remote monitoring of my heat pumps. I want a tool which is NOT brand specific, I want the same tool and same platform for everything. Thanks to Planet Devices its possible. Its so simple even I can drive it. George Reburn thanks. V happy.
Graham Hendra
ABC Heat PumpsThe feedback from installers for Planet Devices has been very positive so far.
Steve Rhodes
Unitherm Heating SystemsWhy We Are Different
Work with us to make the most out of our heat pump device to help control, monitor and manage them remotely, 24/7.